Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Snapshot Sagas: Short Penguin

I couldn't believe that I had made such a mistake. I thought to myself: what better place for a viking like me to conquer, than an island with the name of "24 Karat"? I imagined gold everywhere, it's wealth bursting from the ground. Also, it was only a short trip from Super Power island. I realized my error as soon as I had arrived, learning that the wealth bursting from the ground was in it's CARROT crop... not gold.I decided to join the group at the closed movie theater for a bit of bubblegum and a game or two, and ran into a Poptropican named Short Penguin! He wasn't short by any means because he was just as tall as I, and we all know that I am of great stature! He was kind enough to stand still for his portrait amid the bustle of the crowd. Now I have another friend to add to my list!Keep ever vigilant in watching for me, because you may be the next one featured in Snapshot Sagas!

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